Nutritional v/s therapeutic medicine
I find it overwhleming how often I come across bits of information detailing the miraculous benefits you can achieve just by eating certain vegetables, kitchen spices, food condiments and even the odd baking ingredient. Don't get me wrong, wise nutrition choices is the cornerstone to maintaining your health (detailed in another blog) but can it cure that chronic ailment that has plagued your lifestyle? The key difference between herbal and/or food-based pharmaceutical extracts is that they are prepared in accordance with strict manufacturing techniques so that the active contituents that have been found to be beneficial are definitely present in the medication. Your shelf of spices may have the same names, but they are not the same quality that you will get from a reputable medicinal product. In the same way, eating a wagon load of brocolli, kale, spinach, beetroot, apple cider vinegar, epsom salts, bicarbonate of soda and carrots daily may be exactly what popular media (including family and friends) may be telling you to do- but the actual therapeutic results are disappointing and often anecdotal (my cousin's friend who met a lady from Japan who's grandmother lived to the age of 98, type of stuff).
Nutritional benefits from eating has a huge role to play in health maintenance and minor medical conditions, but true medicinal results come from the researched ingrdients in these food and herbal substances and they need to be taken correctly to achieve what the research proves them to be capable of.
As a rule of thumb- if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.