Corona Virus
Corona Virus
With the first confirmed case of Corona Virus (COVID-19) in South Africa we have seen a flood of information on various platforms. Unfortunately, much of this information is misleading, unproven, fear mongering and click-bait. This information cites hysteria, panic and conspiracy theories. Below, please find my recommendations to clear-up some of the misinformation.
Coronavirus has been identified as a new virus to enter the human infection chain. The major concern from a medical point-of-view is that we do not have experience or research on illnesses caused by this novel (new) virus. The Corona virus family has been with us for many years, they cause up to 20% of the common-cold infections. The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that Coronavirus infections are mild in more than 80% of cases. There is a 2% mortality rate from Corona virus in most countries. In South Korea, where there are drive through testing stations, the mortality rate has dropped to 0.6% because people are being diagnosed earlier and therefore treated earlier.
This new strain of Coronavirus is different in that it causes respiratory distress in a similar way to SARS, MERS (related to a Corona virus infection) and Swine flu (H1N1). We now have a history and research on those 3 viruses, that we never had before. They have all very much become part of the seasonal infections that people may experience and this new strain of Coronavirus will too.
Part of the concern, is the unknown incubation period. This is how long somebody can be transmitting the virus to other people before they show signs of being ill. The most common prediction is around 10-14 days, around the same time as other similar viruses. There have been reports of longer incubation times. However, the ‘infectivity’ of a non-symptomatic person is very low compared to somebody coughing and sneezing.
Washing hands more frequently is the most important thing you can do to prevent becoming infected. The Coronavirus has the ability to survive longer on a clean surface than it does floating around in a droplet in the air or sitting on a dish cloth. Door handles, elevator buttons and bathroom surfaces are rife with bacteria and viruses. Wiping down these surfaces with alcohol or disinfectant should be done frequently in all public facilities. We touch our faces more than any other part of our bodies, limit touching your face! Most surfaces we touch have bacteria, fungal and viral material on it.
Masks have not been proven to make much difference to the transmission of virus particles from person to person. Additionally, they may become saturated with water droplets within an hour, causing a breeding ground for bacteria. Coronavirus is mostly spread by ‘droplet infection’, which means somebody needs to cough or sneeze in your general direction, you need to then breathe in the droplets and you may contract this infection. This is true for most viral airway illnesses. Wearing a mask will limit the spread of droplet infection to others, if you are coughing or sneezing. If you are coughing or sneezing, it is advisable to wear a mask. Ironically wearing a mask makes you touch your face more often.
The most common symptoms include fever, fatigue and a dry mouth. These symptoms are mild and develop gradually. Next a fever, dry cough and trouble breathing or harsh breathing sounds may develop. There have been reports of diarrhea and vomiting, but Coronavirus is mostly a respiratory illness. There is a massive overlap of symptoms with other respiratory infections that we often see at this time of year, which many people will get. Most people will not get the new strain of Coronavirus.
Fever, coughing, excessive mucous and any shortness of breath are all symptoms that indicate you should see a health professional. If in doubt rather get tested as soon as possible in order to obtain a diagnosis early and contain any further spread of the virus.
One’s lifestyle plays the most critical role in illness prevention. We have seen that a large percentage of the deaths due to Coronavirus have been in chronically ill and immune-compromised people. Any chronic condition that is not managed properly increases a person’s risk of contracting infections, as well as prolonging their recovery time.
Making good nutritional choices has never been more difficult, misinformation and fake news has hidden the truth and claim to have phenomenal health shortcuts. Eating more raw food and a plant-based diet seems to be a natural choice and has proven benefits. Drink more water! We are the only animals that choose not to drink water for sustenance. Exercise, quit smoking, limit intake of toxins (that includes sugar, alcohol and processed foods) all get repeated to us, and do not happen naturally anymore. Our lives are more complicated, choices to diverse and work environments mostly unhealthy.
These changes will not will not only make you feel great, they also prevent illness and help recovery from everything. Please note that most of the deaths in China are in elderly patients with pre-existing conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. Lifestyle changes can definitely improve all of these chronic conditions, and thereby protect you from viral infections.
Make certain you drink enough water daily, remaining hydrated helps detoxification far more than any tablet. Make use of rehydration sachets if you have perspired excessively and on hot days. Avoid spending large amounts of time in confined areas, with large amounts of people. Fresh air, water and sunshine alone can help prevent many illnesses!
There is not enough information available to truly recommend any specific nutrient to prevent or treat C
oronavirus. However, we can look towards the treatments we commonly use to treat similar respiratory viruses. This includes the following:
Foundations for illness prevention includes Beta carotene, Vitamin C (with bioflavonoids), Vitamin D3 and Zinc.
Zinc lozenges can prevent viral infections. Zinc is anti-viral and has a positive effect on your immune system.
Herbs such as Echinacea, Elderberry and Astragalus can be used as prevention and treatment of viral infections.
Herbal throat sprays have a protective and healing effect on the throat and can treat early infections and limit their spread.
Xylitol has been shown to kill viruses. It also helps to soothe irritated mucous membranes and improves the healing time by reducing inflammation after respiratory infections. Xylitol nasal and throat sprays may help.
Saline nasal sprays to clear the mucous membranes, especially after contact with people and before going to sleep.
With the correct information to prevent and treat infections early, epidemics such the Corona virus can be effectively managed. Until we have more information on the impact of this epidemic, there will continue be a huge amount of information that needs to be verified. Please message me if you have any questions or contributions.
Dr. Leon Strauss
M.Tech.Homoeopathy (TWR)